Medioevo Romanzo
Rivista semestrale


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XXXIX 2015 - 2

HUW GRANGE, The Versions of the Prose ‘Tristan’, with Particular Reference to ms. 164 of the Fondation Martin Bodmer [321-349]

Determining the place of a single witness within the textual tradition of the Old French prose Tristan is notoriously tricky, in part because of the competing classificatory systems used by modern scholars. This article begins with a reflection on the various «versions» of the Tristan that have hitherto been identified (with an appendix reclassifying extant manuscripts according to Emmanuèle Baumgartner’s schema), before attempting to pinpoint the place of a long-neglected ​​«complete» witness, ms. 164 of the Fondation Martin Bodmer, within the Tristan tradition. This volume’s three constituent parts, bound together in the fifteenth century, are each studied from a codicological and a textual perspective. The lost head of this «acephalous» manuscript will be found, the inclusion of Tristan’s fight with a dragon will shed light on the textual affiliations of one of its parts, and a case will be presented for Burgundian production and assembly of a volume once deemed Italian.


Letto 636 volte Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 28 Aprile 2022 10:14


Indirizzo postale:
Prof. Lino Leonardi
Medioevo Romanzo
c/o Fondazione Franceschini
Via Montebello, 7 - 50123 Firenze